
Live-In Nannies: Open Your Home and Have Peace of Mind

Welcome, Live In Nanny

Your family needs help. It is hard for you and your partner to find quality childcare while working full-time jobs, maintaining your household, managing school schedules, after-school activities, and more. Finding reliable childcare can be a nightmare for many parents. When the struggle of everyday life gets to where you need help, it may be time to interview some potential live-in nannies.

But there is a solution; a qualified and pre-vetted nanny. Someone who is with the kids all day – who will take them to and from doctor appointments, play-dates, school pick-up and drop-off, the park, etc.

But let’s take it one step further because we want to let you know that you have options. There are part-time nannies, full-time nannies, live-in nannies, and live-out nannies. And for a family as busy as yours, a live-in nanny might be the answer you’re looking for! If you have the luxury of space, a live-in nanny is often a great solution for those unpredictable or demanding schedules.

As parents, you work long hours whether you’re in the home or outside of the home. Sometimes you leave before the sun comes up and get home after the sun has gone down. If that’s the case, you desperately need a responsible person in the house with the kids at all times. You don’t want to have to worry if the nanny’s car won’t start in the morning or one whose alarm clock didn’t go off. And you don’t need the headache of coordinating everyone’s comings and goings. Want to banish all those variables? If so, you’re ready to welcome someone into your life and into your home to live.

Because with all the stressors in your world, you shouldn’t have to worry about your kids being well-cared for. And finding someone to take care of your precious children should not be something you need to navigate on your own. But where do you even start? After all, when it comes to your family, you want what’s best for them, and what’s safest. We know every decision you make regarding your children is carefully contemplated.

It’s time to consider a live-in nanny

A live-in nanny’s job description differs from that of a live-out nanny. She is there when the kiddos wake up. She’s there when you have an emergency or a last-minute meeting you have to attend. If a child is sick and can’t go to school – she’s there. 

Live-in nanny moving in.

Having a live-in nanny is the ultimate dream for many families. They don’t have the headache of waiting for someone to show up in the morning. On the flip side, the nanny doesn’t have to worry about what could cause her to miss work because of some unforeseeable event during the morning rush hour.

But here is a question on many people’s minds. “Why would I let a stranger into my home to come live with me and take care of my children?”

We’d like to clear that up for you. Because that’s a misconception a lot of families have when they think about a live-in nanny – a stranger. The thing is… the nanny you will welcome into your home will not be a stranger by the time they step foot into your lives.

Here at Hello, Nanny, we specialize in placing the best nannies with the best families for them. The amount of time you will spend talking to your potential nanny before she moves in makes the relationship you’ll develop feel easier.

No one walks into a home blindly

The interview process on both ends is rigorous, but that’s because we are assisting you in making a huge decision. You wish for someone whose care mimics yours. And that is the standard you should expect. Guess what? We can find that person for you.

We’d like to offer some information to potential nannies too. If you’re a nanny looking for a job, a live-in situation has huge benefits. You are living rent-free in someone’s home, they are paying for most of your groceries, and you get to see the kids even when you’re “off work.” The bond you create with those children when you live under the same roof as them is priceless. The bond you create with your “bosses” is pretty great too.

There is a level of mutual respect and vulnerability on both sides – trusting someone to enter their world, and them trusting you to let you in. You are roommates and you get the perk of working in “your” home since you live with them. There’s the safety net of always being on time because you have no commute – think of all the money you will save on rent, food, and gas!

The parents who hire you will have peace of mind that the person they have chosen to care for their kiddos is a friend – reliable, trustworthy, and safe. It takes a huge weight off their shoulders when they know that you, the live-in nanny, are someone they can count on.

Circling back to the family, we want to offer another advantage of hiring a live-in nanny from a cost perspective. The rate is slightly more negotiable when offering room and board. The better the living arrangement for the nanny, the more negotiating ability a family has – it’s a win-win for the family and the nanny. 

But how does a family go about finding a live-in nanny? And how does a nanny get hired for the job?

That’s where Hello, Nanny comes into play. Hello, Nanny is a nanny agency whose mission is to pair the right individual with the right family. With background checks, questionnaires, phone calls, and personal interviews, we take the time to truly understand a family’s and a nanny’s needs by learning what both sides are looking for. We are matchmakers and hiring experts. Our vetting process is intense, but doesn’t that put your mind at ease?

It sounds amazing, but we know you have questions. Such as, “where’s the privacy between the family and the nanny?” That’s where both parties come together and hash out an agreement. This happens before the nanny gets placed. The family can let the nanny know that there are certain times/days they will be together as a family. And the nanny does the same. This arrangement of living in the same house works best when both sides voice their priorities and place healthy boundaries before moving in happens.

Does the nanny want the weekends to herself? Make it known. Does the family expect the nanny to eat dinner with them every night? Ask her if she’s ok with that. It’s not unrealistic. It’s two worlds coming together for the sake of the children. When you both compromise and have your expectations voiced, the pairing process is easier.

Best of all, Hello, Nanny will help guide both nannies and families through the process of drafting a work agreement that sets everyone up for long-term success.

And throughout the live-in nanny’s tenure, plans can change and it’s ok! Expectations might alter. When both parties get more comfortable with each other, communication becomes easier. 

With a nanny living under the same roof as the parents, life moves seamlessly.

The nanny becomes an extension of the family

It’s not uncommon for the nanny and the family to grow so close to each other that they still spend time together after the nanny leaves. A friendship forms. Your hearts open up for a solid, familial relationship with each other.

We’ve seen nannies get married and ask the children they cared for to be their Ring Bearers or Flower Girls. There have been nannies who have babies of their own and invite their previous boss to the baby showers. We’ve heard of families and former nannies getting together for holidays and birthdays.

Living together as a family unit has so many emotional benefits. But it’s hard to find the “perfect” one for you if you don’t have any help in the process.

There are many details to consider when hiring a live-in nanny. That’s why partnering with industry experts at Hello, Nanny is beneficial. We help uncover your family’s unique needs and set you up for success when those unforeseen circumstances pop up. Families can attempt to source and staff their own nanny. But chances are they will have a revolving door of candidates and even some failed attempts.

It’s like if your car breaks down. You can certainly pull up a Youtube video and watch how to fix your own vehicle, but chances are you will only be putting a bandaid over the mechanical issue. Eventually, you’ll need to hire a mechanic to do the job right.

…Anyone can hire a nanny, right? Wrong.

Hello, Nanny is here for you

We are here to take the burden of hiring a total stranger off your plate. Here to hold your hand and enlighten you through the whole process so you don’t have to do it alone. When you have no clue where to start, Hello, Nanny does it for you.

Your new nanny will feel like a breath of fresh air when she scoops up those kiddos and makes them feel loved, safe, and happy. And you’ll be so glad you trusted Hello, Nanny to assist you in this life-changing decision.

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